It’s about the end of January which means that a lot of our New Year’s Resolutions have already come to an end. Instead of accepting defeat or feeling bad about yourself for not making a habit, start thinking about the reason why the goals or resolutions that you set for yourself didn’t stick. Today we’ll share a few helpful tips to get your health and fitness back on track for the year.
Re-Evaluate your Goals
Hopefully, you wrote your resolutions or goals for the new year down so that you can refer back to them. Go back to your goals and try to figure out what exactly caused you to stop working towards them. Did you make the goals unachievable? Did you feel like you were to busy with other things in your life? Or did you simply lose interest after a couple of days? Take a few minutes to think about this and be sure to jot down the reasons that are coming to your head, even if you really don’t want to hear them! Being honest with yourself now will make it much easier to get back on track with your goals.
Having Trouble?
You may find that you have absolutely no idea why you aren’t reaching your goals. Maybe you have tried setting short term goals with no luck. If you still feel like you are stuck, that is ok. Setting goals is a tough task and working to achieve these goals is even harder. Schedule a health and wellness appointment at QCA by calling (740) 236 – 4131 to get expert help. Having the accountability of wellness appointments is a key part of reaching goals for some people.
Don’t Be Afraid to Start Over
After you have established the reason that your goals did not work, the next step is to make the appropriate changes. This may mean that you need to start over. Unfortunately, this is a daunting task for some people. You’re probably thinking that you started with new goals at the beginning of the month and they didn’t really work out, so why should you try it again? Well, the reason is that you have essentially “fixed” your old goals. You put the time in to figure out why the original goals did not work and you have a good idea of how to try again and be successful.
Make Small Changes (In Your Goals & in Your Life)
Whether you are starting over from scratch or just making some minor changes, you should re-write your new goals so that you can check in with them from time to time. When making changes to your goals, think about re-working the time element of your goals. Instead of looking at the year 2020 as a whole, try setting a goal for two weeks. In two weeks, you can do this re-evaluation process again. See what worked and what didn’t. By checking in on yourself more frequently, you’ll be less likely to get off the right track.
In addition to making your goals focused on the short-term, you should also re-evaluate the content of the goals. If you are trying to re-vamp your whole diet to plant-based, vegan, or another drastic change, set a small goal to work on just for the next two weeks (or whatever period of time you choose). Instead of switching to plant-based overnight, work on one meal a day being plant-based. This will make the transition so much easier and make you more likely to reach your goal!
Reward Yourself
Another important element for goals for some people is adding a reward to your goal so that you have something to work for. When you are feeling like you are losing motivation, you can think about the reward that you will get when you achieve your first goal. The reward doesn’t have to be something expensive or flashy, just something to keep you going.
You put all the work into re-making your goals. You admitted what you were doing wrong, which is a tough first step! You definitely deserve a reward. Make sure that you give yourself the reward, and repeat the process for the next short-term goal that you set.